Client Bill of Rights Copyright ©2020

We are Burton Borkan and Basil Papanastassiou of The Two Session SolutionSM.

The following represents the approach and ethics we follow when assisting all our clients.

Our Approach

Huna, Hypnosis, Neuro Linguistic Programming, and Time Line Therapy® work best when a client is committed to making a positive change in themselves through the use of trance, suggestion, and positive reinforcement to adjust habits of thought, feeling, behavior, and emotion. We use our knowledge and training to help motivate clients to eliminate negative or unwanted habits, institute new positive habits, facilitate the learning process, improve memory and concentration, develop self-confidence, eliminate stage fright, improve athletic abilities, and for other social, educational, and cultural endeavors of a non-medical nature. Together we discuss the specific issues to be addressed and if the work to be done together is theraputic in nature, a medical referral by the client's doctor is required.

Education and Training

We were trained by Pamela Garrard of LVIUE (accredited by the American Board of Hypnotherapy and American Board of Neuro Linguistic Programming). We are both Certified Members of the American Board of Hypnotherapy and the National Guild of Hypnotists. Burton has taken advanced hypnosis classroom and certification training from Gerald Kein of Omni Hypnosis Training Center of Florida, and Basil has been trained and certified as a Sports Hypnotist by the National Guild of Hypnotists. We are also both trained in and are certified as Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioners by the American Board of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy� Practitioners via the Time Line Therapy� Association, and in Huna (ancient Hawaiian mind/body/spirit methods) by Advanced Neuro Dynamics. In addition, we do annual continuing education to maintain our training at a high level.

Note:"THE STATE OF FLORIDA HAS NOT ADOPTED ANY EDUCATIONAL AND TRAINING STANDARDS FOR THE PRACTICE OF HUNA, HYPNOSIS, NEURO LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING, OR TIME LINE THERAPY®. Under Florida law a hypnotist may not provide a medical diagnosis or recommend discontinuance of medically prescribed treatments. If a client desires a diagnosis or any other type of treatment from a different practitioner, the client may seek such services at any time. In the event our services are terminated by a client, the client has a right to coordinated transfer of services to another practitioner. A client has the right to refuse hypnosis services at any time. A client has a right to be free of physical, verbal, or sexual abuse. A client has a right to know the expected duration of treatment, and may assert any right without retaliation."


We are certified members of the National Guild of Hypnotists and practice in accordance with its Code of Ethics and Standards. If you have a complaint about our services or behavior that we cannot resolve for you personally, you may contact the National Guild of Hypnotists at P.O. Box 308, Merrimack NH 03054-0308 or by phone at (603) 429-9438, to seek redress. Other services than our own are available to you in the community. You may locate such providers in the telephone book.


We will not release any information about you to anyone without a written authorization from you, except as provided for by law. You have a right to be allowed access to my written records about you.


We suggest you think of our services as something you will pay for personally. This will both protect your privacy and help you value the work you are doing. In general, insurance companies do not cover hypnosis services and we caution you not to expect them to do so.


Two Session Solution spotlighted for insomnia and sleep disorders on FOX 7 NEWS in South Florida

Two Session Solution’s Basil Papanastassiou profiled on sports hypnosis on Comcast Newsmakers (January 2005).

Two Session Solution’s Burt Borkan on advanced therapy on Comcast Newsmaker (December 2004).

Home | Our Practitioners | Code of Ethics | Fees | Office Locations/Directions | About Us
Anxiety | Body Image/Self-Esteem | Depression | Fears/Phobias | Habits | Insomnia/Sleep Issues
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
| Non-Organic Impotence |Sports Performance Enhancement | Other Issues |
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) | Time Line Therapy | Hypnosis | Huna | Free Consultation | Success Stories
Seminars/Trainings | Resources/Links | Media Kit | Contact Information



© Two Session SolutionSM 2005-2018

Designed By Mackey Web Design


Two Session SolutionSM and The Two Session Solution logo are Service Marks of The Two Session Solution, Inc.
A medical referral may be required for certain conditions.

Time Line Therapy® is a registered trademark of Everett W. (Tad) James,
and is licensed exclusively to the Time Line Therapy® Association.